Crisis Simulation Workshop


(*) 次から次へと危機的状況が発生した際に、どのように対応すべきか机上での疑似体験、シミュレーションを通じて学びを得るトレーニング手法です。2020-2022年度、米国大使館より助成をいただきました。

What is Crisis Simulation? 

It is an active learning exercise, where participants will take part in a simulation of a regional crisis that may affect multiple nations in various ways. Participants play as teams for respective country roles, including Japan, China, the US and others. Each team representing a country will decide on various policies and responses, including how to deal with domestic constituents and international community based on their own national priorities and how to meet the ends by negotiating with other nations in bilateral and/or multilateral settings. The goal of the exercise is to give participants an appreciation for the complex issues of regional crisis in understanding how each nation would behave based on their national priorities, identifying obstacles and challenges through making of domestic emergency measures, and practicing leadership to come up with best agreed solutions. This program is funded by US Embassy Tokyo for 2020-2022 and 2023-2025.

  • 1st Crisis Simulation workshop (January 31, 2019) Details
  • 2nd Crisis Simulation workshop (October 25, 2019) Details
  • 3rd Crisis Simulation workshop (March 18-19, 2021) Details
  • 4th Crisis Simulation workshop (March 29-30, 2022) Details
  • 5th Crisis Simulation workshop (July 19-20, 2024) Details
  • New 6th Crisis Simulation workshop (upcoming April 12, 2025) Details

Program organized by GHIPP

Project leaders: Dr. Narushige Michishita (GRIPS), Dr. Hiromi Murakami
Program Chair: Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa
Facilitator: Dr. Zack Cooper
Project co-sponsored by Japan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
★This program can be offered on demand-basis. Please contact us for inquiries.